Practicum Rubric for Students in Design or Artisan Roles

To provide a balanced and objective method of grading artistic and practical skills as applied to a realized production.

Activity Objectives

At the end of the course, the student will be able to:

  • Develop and create designs through collaboration on a realized production.
  • Demonstrate professional, courteous, and prompt communication in both verbal and visual methods.
  • Demonstrate an attention to detail and accuracy for a realized project.
  • Evaluate design project recommend distribution of available labor and materials to complete the realized project.
  • Synthesize information and adapt to changes necessary to the realized project.

Rubric Goals

This rubric was designed to evaluate and encourage:

  • Self-assessment of process and product
  • Budgeting of resources (time, money, labor)









Process 25%


Produced insufficient work in all the following areas: required revisions, congenial attitude, work ethic, and/or daily/weekly communication with director/supervisor/mentor Process lacked significantly in more than one of the following areas: required revisions,   congenial attitude, excellent work ethic, and/or daily/weekly communication with director/supervisor/mentor Process lacked in more than one of the following areas & lacked significantly in one area: required revisions,   congenial attitude, excellent work ethic, and/or daily/weekly communication with director/supervisor/mentor Expected process for a young designer with required revisions, congenial attitude, excellent work ethic, and/or daily/weekly communication with director/supervisor/mentor Great process with revisions, congenial attitude, excellent work ethic, and daily/weekly communication with director/supervisor/mentor


Lack of communication with design team, director,supervisor, and mentor through individiual meetings, group meetings, emails, OR conversations with lack of timeliness in responses or follow-through. Sparse communication with design team, director,supervisor, and mentor through individiual meetings, group meetings, emails, OR conversations with lack of timeliness in responses or follow-through. In weekly communication with design team, director,supervisor, and mentor through individiual meetings, group meetings, emails, OR conversations. In weekly communication with design team, director,supervisor, and mentor through individiual meetings, group meetings, emails, and conversations. In constant communication with design team, director,supervisor, and mentor through individiual meetings, group meetings, emails, and conversations.

Accuracy and Presentation

Partially accurate information relayed to some.     Unacceptable verbal and/or visual presentation of work to others. Either partially accurate information relayed to all OR Acceptable verbal OR visual presentation of work to others. Partially accurate information relayed to all. Acceptable verbal and visual presentation of work to others. Mostly accurate information relayed to all.   Excellent verbal and visual presentation of work to others. Extremely accurate information relayed to all.   Excellent verbal and visual presentation of work to others.


Did not the designated deadlines for the project. Met the designated deadlines for some aspects of the project. Met the designated deadlines for most aspects of the project. Met the designated deadlines for all aspects of the project. Met or exceeded the designated deadlines for all aspects of the project.

Production Process Journal/Sketch book

Nothing submitted Disorganized or minimally documented journal &   sketch book submitted Organized Production Journal and sketch book submitted.







Production Binder (script, renderings, research, etc.)

Nothing submitted Missing 4-5 documents Missing 2-3 documents or submitted late. Missing 1-2 documents, submitted on time All renderings, models, light plots, paperwork, drafting, etc. submitted on time.








Budget of Resources

Nothing submitted Submitted the minimum amount of information Submitted all information necessary for the show





Post Show Self Assessment

Did not complete Post show crtical analysis completed either orally or written with faculty advisor Post show intensive crtical analysis completed either orally or written with faculty advisor







Personal Growth

No Growth Minimal Growth Expected Growth Outstanding Growth Exceptional Personal Growth

Creative Product

Complete process lacked a cohesive quality. Parts of the project lacked cohesiveness. Coherent design/project. Coherent design/project executed with flair or creativity. Excellent coherent design/project executed with flair and creativity.

Submitted by

Tammy Honesty, Kent State University