The USITT Creative Teaching on the Web is a peer reviewed web publication with the aim of sharing teaching ideas and resources with the theatre community. Submissions are welcomed from all teachers and may cover any age range of student. Syllabi are available via Creative Teaching on the Web but are not peer reviewed.
Syllabi submissions must include a PDF or Word document of the syllabus and the following information as a cover sheet:
- Course Title
- Abstract (course description)
- This should be what appears in the course catalog or maybe what you plan to update the course catalog with.
- Commission
- Coarse Goals
- These are measurable outcomes from the class. What do you expect the students to learn? To be measurable each objective must be evaluated as part of the course plan.
- Contact information:
- This information will not be shared with reviewers. Only your name and institution will be shared on the web site.
- Name:
- Institution:
- Work Address:
- E-mail:
- Phone:
A word template for your submission cover letter can be found here: Syllabus Submission Template
When you are ready to submit e-mail your Word or PDF document (PDF preferred) using this form: Submissions Form